
Disclaimer and Copyright

First of all, thanks for visiting our website! :-)

All of our Free Wallpapers are gathered by term 'free to use' on Free Public Sources on the internet. We only provide the best free wallpapers from all over the internet, so you can find them on any other good wallpaper websites. Do Not Use Any images wallpapers For Commercial purpose. All images wallpapers that appear on this blog are copyright their respective owners. All the credits & thanks goes to original authors, owners & uploaders.

AIf you own the rights to any of the images and do not wish them to appear on this blog, please contact us as soon as posible so we can do something about it. Like remove it or putting your name under it.

You can contact us at "" to give us the name of the url of the specific wallpaper that you want to have removed from our website. (please do not e-mail us for questions). Till then, enjoy your stay and enjoy the beautiful wallpapers. Thanks !!